werkwijze vragen faq


  1. About us
  2. FAQ

On this page you can find the answers to frequently asked questions.


Are you an official Microsoft Solution Partner?
HB Software is a Microsoft Solution Partner in the Business Application domain. As a Business Application Partner, we demonstrate that we successfully offer solutions in the area of ​​Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform. Every year, we have to demonstrate to Microsoft that we still have the right expertise in-house to obtain this title.
I've seen the HB apps in Microsoft App Source. What can I do with it?

You can install a free trial version of the software from there. We will contact you after installation to discuss if we can help you with anything.

Do you have a customer portal?

Yes. You can submit your questions to our portal 24/7 (in Dutch or English), by sending an email to bcsupport@hbsoftware.nl. We will answer during our office hours, during which we can also be reached by phone at: 0182 580 411 (option 2 in the telephone menu).

Can I get a trial license for Business Central?

Yes. You can request a free 30-day trial license of MS Business Central by sending an email to office@hbsoftware.nl. You can also request a free demo of one of our apps.

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